IRRV Safeguarding and Prevent

We are committed to the protection and safety of our members, staff, students and apprentices.

We want you to feel that you can come to us with your concerns, whether about yourself or a fellow member or student / apprentice.

The IRRV is committed to providing a safe environment for young people and vulnerable adults, identifying young people and vulnerable adults who are suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm and to taking appropriate action to ensure that such individuals are kept safe, in the workplace, at home or whilst studying with the IRRV.

The IRRV is also committed to providing students with the necessary skills and knowledge to keep themselves and others safe. Education, like other key sectors, has a responsibility to promote values of openness and tolerance and to facilitate free debate, which is characteristic of being a British citizen. It is in this context that the IRRV provides the following policies and information.


Reporting Safeguarding and / or Prevent related incidents

If you have concerns about your own safety or the safety of a colleague or a fellow learner, you should not hesitate to contact one of the IRRV Safeguarding Officers below. They will deal with the disclosure discretely, but cannot promise confidentiality, as anything that is raised may need to be reported to the relevant authority, for example the police, the local authority or social services, especially if there is a risk of immediate harm. 

If you, or someone you know, is subject to any form of abuse or at risk of being radicalised, you must report this as soon as possible. You can contact your employer's safeguarding team / HR, or, if this is in relation to your studies with the IRRV, to an IRRV Safeguarding Officer. They will complete a form noting down all factual details about the incident and then refer this to specialist, fully trained, partner organisations, for them to take this forward. It is very important that information is shared, as, what may seem like a small, insignificant piece of information, when shared with other organsiations, may complete the picture in terms of the regularity and / or severity of an abusive or extremist situation. 

Raising concerns in a timely manner may prevent much more serious incidents occurring at a later date. 




IRRV Safeguarding Team

Ms Sue Williams-Lee IRRV (Hons) - Head of Educational Services and Designated Safeguarding Lead 


Direct Line: 020 7691 8978

Work Mobile: 07776 526497



Ms Dee Fergus IRRV - Quality Assurance and Compliance Coordinator and Safeguarding Officer


Direct Line: 020 7691 8981

Work Mobile: 07384 547034



Mr Roger Bowen IRRV - Apprenticeship Officer and Safeguarding Officer


Work Mobile: 07796 107591

IRRV Values Statements 

The IRRV is an Equal Opportunities Employer

The IRRV is committed to the development of positive policies to promote equal opportunities in employment and in the delivery of our services, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity or trade union membership status. This commitment will apply to recruitment and selection practices, training and development, promotion and in the application of national and local agreements in respect of pay and conditions of service.

Safeguarding and Recruitment

If any employee considers that she or he is the subject of unequal treatment on any of the above grounds, a complaint may be made through the agreed procedures for dealing with grievances.

The IRRV is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of staff and apprentices. We will respond robustly to all concerns about the safety and welfare of staff and students. This commitment applies equally to apprentices that we work with directly and those that we come into contact with. We expect all staff to share this commitment.

Where appropriate, successful applicants for IRRV posts will be required to undertake a Disclosure & Barring Service check.

IRRV Policies 

Safeguarding and Prevent Policy 

Equality and Diversity Policy

Health and Safety Policy


Further Help Available

The following organisations can provide further help and support. 


Mental Health Services

Mind (For Better Mental Health) - Telephone Number: 0300 123 3393 (Mon-Fri 9-5pm)

NHS Mental Health and Wellbeing - Links to various advice pages.

Mental Health - 10 Keys to Happier Living Poster 

How to Make Stress your Friend - TED Talk - Kelly McGonigal

NHS Advice - 7 Tips for working from home

Remploy - Support with your mental health - Free Counselling Service to help you remain in, or return, to work. 


Support for people who are subject to forms of abuse

NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) - Telephone Number:  0808 800 5000 (24 hours)

Refuge - National Domestic Abuse Helpline - Telephone Number: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours free)

Victim Support - Telephone Number: 0808 168 9111 (24 hours)

Childline - Telephone Number: 0800 1111 (24 hours)

Respect - Men's Advice Line - Telephone Number: 0808 801 0327 (Mon-Fri 9-5pm or 8pm)

National Centre for Domestic Violence - Telephone Number: 0207 186 8270 

Hourglass (Safer Aging, Stopping Abuse) - Telephone Number: 0808 808 8141 (Mon-Fri 9-5pm)


Emotional Support

Cruse Bereavement - Telephone Number: 0800 808 1677 (Mon-Fri 9-5pm)

Samaritans - Telephone Number: 116 123 (24 hours free)


How to report suspected terrorist activities, radicalisation, extremist content and online grooming

Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism

'Act Early' - Counter Terrorism Policing Website. Lots of useful information and guidance on how to spot signs of radicalisation and report concerns.    

Anti-terrorism reporting App:  #iREPORTit is a new free app allowing people to anonymously report online content promoting violent extremism. Download it today so you’ve got it when you need it.

Apple iOS:
