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Distance Learning:

Get Qualified by Distance Learning

  • Our new distance learning platform is now officially launched and ready for student enrolments year-round. This upgraded platform offers an enhanced educational experience, providing students with greater interactivity, seamlessness, and enrichment throughout their learning journey.

    Under this improved system, students now have the flexibility to begin their Level 3 Certificate studies at two different start dates: January 2025 or July 2025. The Diploma structure remains the same, where students can study in their own pace.

    For students starting in January 2025, the curriculum is structured to focus on one specific subject, with examinations scheduled for June 2025. Subsequently, students will transition to their second subject, beginning in July 2025 and completing it by December 2025, followed by subsequent subjects in a similar pattern.

    We are delighted to share that this new targeted approach has already proven successful, with many active and satisfied students since January 2024.

    We firmly believe that this sequential approach ensures a more targeted and efficient learning path for each student.

  • 'Studying with the IRRV'

    Thinking of studying for the IRRV Level 3 Certificate or Diploma Professional Qualification via Distance Learning? 

    Please read the stories of our recent students who have achieved their qualification having studied via distance learning.

    Their stories can be accesed on our Distance Learning Student Blog site. Click below to VIEW NOW.

    IRRV Distance Learning Blog


  • Structured Approach 

    • Focus on one subject at a time 
    • Take exams for each subject at regular intervals
    • Experience a more efficient and structured study process

    Enhanced Learning Experience

    • Interact with engaging course materails
    • Benefits from a user-friendly interface
    • Access different resources and tools 

    Interactive Features

    • Participate in live sessions and tutorials 
    • Engage in discussions with fellow students and tutors
    • Submit subject tasks, assignments and mock papers and receive feedback

    Progress Tracking (for learners and employers)

    • Keep track of your learning progress
    • Monitor your performance

    Brochure Enrol


  • The IRRV’s distance learning courses are for anyone wishing to study towards our professional qualifications. Whatever stage you have reached on your career path, there will be an IRRV qualification to meet your needs and to help you to progress your career.

    As an alternative to studying for the Level 3 Certificate (Technician) or Diploma qualification, a member of the Institute is able to study individual subjects and then sit an examination. If successful, they will receive a ‘Letter of Credit’ from the Institute. This may appeal to those members who are not looking to take the full qualification as well as those who have achieved the professional qualification but would like to study additional subjects.

    IRRV Level 3 Certificate 

    The IRRV Certificate is for Local Taxation and Welfare Benefits staff up to middle management level. The course is designed for both Local Taxation and Welfare Benefits practitioners in the public and private sectors who wish to gain a professional qualification and further their careers. The Level 3 Certificate qualification leads to Technician level membership of the Institute and the designatory letters “Tech IRRV”.

    IRRV Diploma 

    This course is designed for those staff who wish to progress to senior positions. The Diploma is at Level 5 (of the current 8-level framework) in England and Wales. The Professional Diploma leads to Diploma Level Membership of the Institute and the designatory letters “IRRV (Dip)”. Once achieved, a Diploma member can proceed to the highest level Qualification, IRRV Honours.


  • Entry requirements

    To be eligible to study for the IRRV (Level 3) Certificate examinations, candidates must be over 18 years of age and ideally have gained some work experience. All students must ensure they are an IRRV member or apply for ‘Student’ membership when they enrol on the course. They cannot sit an examination unless they have been a member of the Institute for a minimum of 3 months.


    Students take four subjects, consisting of one assignment and three subjects that are assessed by 3-hour examination.Click here to download the summary of the IRRV Level 3 Certificate  Syllabus.

    You can select one stream most appropriate to you: 

    Local Taxation and Benefits Stream                               

    • Centrally Set Assignment                                                               

    Choose one from:     

    • Revenues and Local Taxation Administration 
    • Welfare Benefits Administration                                                                                                                             

    Choose two from:   

    • Introduction to Council Tax 
    • Introduction to Non Domestic Rate
    • Introduction to Welfare Benefits                                                                    
    Non Domestic Rate Stream                                                  
    • Centrally Set Assignment 
    • Introduction to Non Domestic Rate
    • Non Domestic Rate Administration 
    • Introduction to Valuation                                                                                          
    Valuation Tribunal Stream                                                  
    • Valuation Tribunal Administration and Administrative Justice
    • Introduction to Non Domestic Rate
    • Introduction to Council Tax
    • Introduction to Valuation 

    Enrol Now

  • Entry requirements

    Candidates for the Revenues or Benefits streams of the Diploma MUST hold a qualification at least equivalent to A-Level, or any qualification at Level 3 of the national framework (England and Wales) and have had substantial workplace experience. 


    Students take five subjects, consisting of one assignment and four subjects that are assessed by 3-hour examination..Click here to download the summary of the IRRV Diploma Syllabus.

    You must study all Common Core subjects and choose two additional subjects:  

    Common Core                              

    • Centrally Set Assignment 
    • Management
    • Management Case Studies                                                             

    Additional Subjects                                                  
    Choose one of the following:     

    • Revenues and Local Administration and Public Sector Finance
    • Welfare Benefits Administration and Public Sector Finance
    • Valuation for Rating *   

    Choose one of the following:     

    • Council Tax Law and Practice
    • Non-Domestic Rating Law and Practice
    • Welfare Benefits Law and Practice
    • Law of Property

    * Valuation for Rating is only available to candidates who have previously passed Introduction to Valuation or Valuation Theory and Practice at IRRV Level 3 Certificate.

    Enrol Now



  • As the name suggests, you do not attend lessons, but study on your own, at home or wherever suits you. This is the most flexible option, as it allows you to decide where and when to study.  

    Being online means that you have constant access to the wide-range of learning resources so they are there when you need them. Some of the resources you will have access to are:

    • Recorded technical webinars  for each subject. 
    • Monthly 2 hour evening , live and interactive webinar sessions for students to talk to fellow students and their tutors and ask questions, hear updates and consider any matters at hand. 
    • Regular 'In discussion' Podcasts on topical issues with tutors and practitioners.
    • Online assignment set, and marked, after each module is completed, to provide an opportunity to assess the quality and standard of the work.
    • Imbedded virtual Pre-examination course
    • Virtual Student's days

    Length of Study

    It is advised that you study for 120 hours of guided learning hours for the course. In addition to this, sufficient amount of hours should be spent doing further reading, revision and exam practice. Once enrolled, you will have access to the study material and online tools for 3 years. All examination subjects for the qualification must be taken within a 3-year time span.


    • The Distance Learning staff and subject tutors are available to help and advise you in any way that we can. Tutor support is provided through your personal profile on the Distance Learning portal, email, telephone and virtual classes
    • Don't forget that fellow students are also an invaluable tool, and with our Distance Learning Facebook group, you will be able to post comments and questions, exchange tips and share your learning experiences.
    • You are also eligible to attend our virtual Student Days (two per year), where you can meet tutors and fellow students.
    • There are also pre-examination virtual courses, which are useful when approaching exam time.
    • You will have access to all past examination papers                                                                                                    
  • To enrol for one of the above IRRV Qualifications, please complete the Enrolment Form and email it to distancelearning@irrv.org.uk 


     Complete Enrolment Form

    Fees 2025
    IRRV Certificate Level 3 £1600 + VAT
    IRRV Diploma £1600 + VAT
    Examinations £90 + VAT per examination
    IRRV Membership (Student) £146 per year + £48 (one off fee)
    IRRV Membership (Technician) £214 per year + £48 (one off fee)

    An employer can enrol 2 of their staff on the course and get 25% OFF the 3rd candidate.

    Here you can find how to apply for IRRV Membership


    Course Fee
    1. The fee you have paid for your course is designed to provide you with tuition until you have passed the examination. This provides you with tuition for THREE years from the date of enrolment.
    2. If tuition is required beyond the three-year, this can be provided on payment of an additional fee. This will be advised to you at the appropriate time.
    3. Payment of this additional fee will extend your contract with the Institute for a further period of one year.
    4. Tuition will only be provided for the syllabus that is in force at the time of enrolment.
    5. The course fee provides you with the Institute’s basic Distance Learning study material for the course, together with any revisions or updates which are considered necessary during your period of study to ensure the material remains up-to-date and appropriate for your examinations.
    6. Your contract for the basic course with the Institute also provides you with full tutor support.
    7. Fees cannot be returned or transferred.

    Payment of Fees
    8. Fees may be paid either in full by cheque or by entering into an appropriate arrangement with the Institute to pay (by a maximum of four instalments) by standing order with your banker. Full details will be provided upon enrolment.
    9. Fees paid by instalment are payable without demand and without regard to progress made with the course.
    10. The Institute will only invoice your employer/authority for the fee on completion and return of the appropriate authorisation.

    Tuition Material
    11. All IRRV Distance Learning Study material remains the property of the Institute. It is copyright and must not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the express permission of the Institute. It is supplied for personal study only to the person to whom it is issued.


    Student Membership of the IRRV
    12. Your acceptance as a Distance Learning student is conditional upon your acceptance as a student member of the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation. You must be a student member of the IRRV in order to sit the Institute’s examinations. For further information and a student membership application form, please contact the Institute:-
    IRRV, 167 – 169 Great Portland Street, 5th Floor, London, W1W 5PF (Tel: 020 7691 8984)

    Institute Examinations
    13. Students are responsible for entry and registering with the examining body and ensuring compliance with the Examination Regulations. Details are available from the IRRV and are published in Insight.
    14. Students must indicate on the enrolment form whether they intend to sit the June or December examinations. They must advise the course provider if for any reason there is a change to these arrangements. Within one month of the publication of the results, students are required to advise the course provider of the results of their examinations. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in discontinuation of the tuition.
    15. Although all tuition will be conducted on a confidential basis, where employers have funded study, progress reports will be provided to the employers.