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Becoming an IRRV Member

  • The IRRV is the largest professional institution operating in the field of revenues, benefits and valuation. IRRV Member grades are structured in a way to ensure that there is a grade of membership for everyone working in local authorities, related private sector workplaces, and public and private sector valuation. 

    The Institute keeps its members informed of current issues and provides opportunities for further professional and personal development and the sharing of best practice. Its qualifications and Continuing Professional Development scheme are designed to meet the needs of members at every stage of their careers and its conferences and meetings offer opportunities for networking with other professionals from the UK and overseas. A thriving network of Associations is one of IRRV's main strengths. The Associations organise programmes of professional and social activities that take place regionally and provide the opportunity for members to become more involved in the work of the Institute.

    View the membership grades and prices to find out which grade is right for you.

  • Anyone wishing to become a member of the IRRV should complete our online application form. Those applying for Fellow or Retired Membership grades should contact the membership officer directly. Subscription payments may be made by cheque, debit / credit card (Visa or Mastercard only), or by direct debit. 

    Please note student members sitting examinations need to be an active member 3 months prior to sitting their examinations. 

    Members are requested to observe the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the IRRV, the Code of Conduct for members and the rules and regulations of the Institute. 

    Membership queries should be directed to the Membership Officer by telephone on 020 7691 8972, or by email on membership@irrv.org.uk.

    Apply for IRRV membership

    Click here to Apply Online    

    Make sure you know the category of membership you wish to apply for. 

    Before applying you should also be ready with the name and work contact details of a person who will support your membership – either an IRRV Honours member or your line manager.

    If you have any queries about your application please email membership@irrv.org.uk or call 020 7691 8972.

    • Honours Membership - IRRV (Hons)
    • Fellow Membership - FIRRV
    • Honours REV or FIRRV REV Membership
    • Diploma Membership - IRRV (Dip)
    • Corporate Membership - IRRV
    • Technician Membership - IRRV (Tech)
    • Student Membership
    • RQF / SCQF Membership
    • Affiliate Membership


    RETIRED MEMBERSHIP is available at an annual subscription of £67.00, or LIFE RETIRED MEMBERSHIP may be taken out for a one-off fee of £326.00.



    IRRV Honours qualification and Professional Project Assessment

    The IRRV Honours qualification is the highest level of professional qualification offered by the Institute.

    The IRRV Honours scheme is for students who wish to continue their studies, or those holding a senior position, and wish to reach the highest professional level. Successful candidates will be able to use the designation IRRV (Hons).

    If successful, students become Honours members of the institute and can use the designatory letters IRRV (Hons) after their name. This gives an enhanced status to the practitioner as the designation shows that the individual has attained a high level of technical knowledge and professional competence in their field of expertise.

    In order to attain the honours qualification, a student must submit a proposal to the Institute on a Revenues or Benefits topic of their choice. If the proposal meets the requirements outlined in the guidance, they are asked to prepare a 15,000 word dissertation and to submit this to the Institute within six months. 

    If the dissertation is accepted, candidates are asked to attend a 'Viva Voce' with a nationally recognised panel of Revenues and Benefits experts. The Viva is a form of professional discussion, lasting approximately one hour. During the Viva the candidate is asked to summarise the content, arguements and conclusions from their dissertation and answer questions from the panel.

    Honours results are usually issued within two weeks of the Viva.  

    For full details of the Honours qualification and how to enrol, please download the information sheet below. 

    More Information on the IRRV Honours Qualification Guidance and Regulations



    Tax Relief on Professional Fees

    Did you know that you may be able to claim tax relief on your membership subscription. Go to  http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/incometax/relief-subs.htm for more information or call HMRC on 0300 200 3310. Please note that the Institute is listed on the HMRC list of approved bodies as Revenues Rating and Valuation Institute of.