Excellence in Education and / or Staff Development IRRV Performance Awards

Scottish Borders Council

Scottish Borders Council

Summary of Submission

“Our nomination for the IRRV Performance Award is in recognition to the contribution we have made towards education and staff development through the successful implementation of our new training material and programme.
We have successfully combatted issues experienced with high staff turnover and low staff moral by creating an online comprehensive legacy training and reference manual, imbedded with step-by-step technical process maps and demonstration videos.  This is delivered through a structured programme of planned training.  
We have supplemented this with peer forums and engagement sessions to create a supportive learning culture within Scottish Borders Council.
We have met our goals and have delivered cornerstone foundations for achieving continuous improvements and commitment to furthering the education and development of our team.  
Staff now feel well-supported with all the tools required to deliver an excellent service to our customers.”

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