Most Improved Team Of The Year IRRV Performance Awards

Swindon BC with Liberata

Summary of Submission

In April 2023, Swindon Borough Council commissioned Liberata to deliver Revenues & Benefits services, addressing challenges in service costs, collection rates, and processing times. Key initial initiatives included migrating to a modern Software as a Service platform, rebuilding a team with only 35% of the original staff, cleansing data for accurate billing, and clearing backlogs that were in place at the point of transfer.

The transformation delivered significant improvements:

•    Comprehensive online services via Liberata CloudTools, enhancing customer portal capabilities
•    Quality Management Framework to drive marginal gains
•    Automation services, including automating over 99% of Universal Credit notifications
•    Hybrid Mail supporting improved home-working
•    AI technologies for intelligent customer interactions and data analytics
•    Risk-Based Verification for faster processing

Results include automating over 55% of all incoming work, digitising 90% of Revenues work, maintaining collection rates despite the cost of living crisis, and improving New Claims processing by 20%, now consistently under 10 days.

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