In response to divergent appeals legislation between England and Wales, the lack of Welsh language provision and the future cost of its shared IT platform, the Valuation Tribunal for Wales (VTW) embarked on developing its own appeals management solution in 2015.
Collaborating with an external IT professional Mark Rastin, the VTW created a bespoke, cloud-based database. Employing agile software development, which involves flexible planning and continuous improvement, the system went live in 2018.
The result is an integrated, effective, and flexible appeals management system that is user-friendly and well-received by the VTW staff and membership. It has streamlined operations, ensured compliance with Welsh language requirements, and generated significant cost savings.
The system interfaces with VTW’s public website, providing tribunal listings/decisions information, a dedicated members’ area, and online appeals submission facilities. Continually evolving, the database is configurable and can easily adapt to future appeal streams or jurisdictions.