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Welcome to the Benefits Faculty

  • The formal objective of the Benefits Faculty (taken from the IRRV's Articles of Association)

    To promote the study of all aspects of state benefits and awards, and to provide support to members of the Benefits Faculty in their professional activities, including, without limitation, the following subject areas: 

    • Housing and Council Tax benefit;
    • All benefits under the auspices of the Department for Work and Pensions; and
    • The financing of benefits.
  • Board Chairman
    Zoe Kent IRRV (Hons)

    Board Vice-Chairman
    Paula Doherty BSc Hons, IRRV (Dip)

    Board Members
    Simon Green MRICS IRRV (Hons)

    Ed Bowen IRRV (Hons)

    Matthew Evans

    Geoff Fimister

    Laura Bessell IRRV (Tech)

    Jim McCafferty IRRV (Hons)

    Harminder Persad IRRV Tech

    Michelle Kettles IRRV Dip

    Tammy Fox IRRV (Hons)

    Louise Freeth FIRRV

    David Magor OBE IRRV (Hons)

    Allan Clark MSc, FIRRV, MCMI (ex officio)