Kirsty BrooksmithPresidentAlan FaneSecretaryCheryl VickersMembership OfficerAlan FaneEducation Liaison OfficerDaniel MooreTreasurerAndrew MurphyWeb ManagerContact details for the above postholders can be found in the members area of the IRRV web site.
Local Authorities within this Association
- Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
- Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council
- City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
- City of Doncaster Council
- City of York Council
- East Riding of Yorkshire Council
- Hull City Council
- Kirklees Council
- Leeds City Council
- North East Lincolnshire Council
- North Lincolnshire Council
- North Yorkshire Council
- Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
- Sheffield City Council
- Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
News and Events
2025 Embracing Technological Advances in Driving Up Performance30 January 2025
IRRV Yorkshire and District Association Present
2025 Embracing Technological Advances in Driving Up Performance
Leeds Civic Hall, LS1 1UR
A full day event - registration from 9:30am with a 10:00am start
Lunch and refreshments provided
IRRV Yorkshire & District Annual Dinner Dance
Cave Castle Hotel, Church Hill, South Cave HU15 2EU
The IRRV Yorkshire and Distict Association President, Alan Fane, invites you to the Yorkshire & District Association annual dinner dance on 14 September 2024 at Cave Castle Hotel.
Cave Castle Hotel is a historic manor house with 350 years of history and is set in picturesque parklands and enchanting woodlands.
To book your place please complete the booking form below and send to the Association Secretary Kirsty.Brooksmith@lbhf.gov.uk
Details of the evening and the menu can be found on IRRV Menu
Congratulations to Kirsty Brooksmith who takes over the IRRV Yorkshire & District Association Presidency for 2024 from Alan Fane:
IRRV Yorkshire & District Annual Dinner Dance 2023
16 May 2023
IRRV Yorkshire & District Association Dinner Dance
Queens Hotel, City Square, Leeds LS1 1PJ
Same time and venue as the IRRV Spring Conference
7:00pm for a 7:30pm start
Association President, Alan Fane, invites you to join us at the Association Dinner Dance.
Raising funds for the Management Trustees - See Cadets Corps Scarborough, an organistion that provides career training, discipline and comradeship for youngsters across Yorkshire and has close links to the Royal Navy Association and the Merchant Naval Association - welfare support for retired navel personnel.
For further details please contact the Association Secretary, Darren Kelk, on darren.kelk@ascendantsol.co.uk
Association President
Kirsty BrooksmithKirsty has been working in the Revenues and Benefits world for over 30 years and is currently working at Hammersmith & Fulham Council as Head of Benefits. This role also includes responsibility for the Borough's Blue Badge Scheme, Freedom Passes, Taxi Cards and their Local Support Service.
Kirsty began her career back in 1988 at Scarborough Borough Council as a Housing Benefits Officer, where she first joined the IRRV and gained her IRRV Technician qualification.
She moved south in 1992 and after a short stint at Wandsworth Borough Council, joined Reading Borough Council as a Customer Service Advisor. She worked at Reading for 18 years, becoming the Head of Revenues and Benefits for the latter 8 years. The service was re-organised many times where she took on services such as Corporate Debt, a Cash and Post Office, as well as Residential Care and Non-Residential Charging Assessments.
In December 2018 Kirsty decided on a change and moved to London to become the Head of Benefits for Hammersmith and Fulham. When the pandemic hit, like many others she was fortunate to be given the chance to work from home on a permanent basis. As Kirsty is a proud Northern lass, she decided it was time to move back to Yorkshire and moved back to Scarborough with her husband George in July 2022.
Kirsty was an active member of the Thames Valley Executive for over 10 years, and was their President in 2017. Being based in the North she thought it was the right thing to do to join the Yorkshire & District Association Executive.
When not at work Kirsty enjoys spending time with her family and friends and walking her two border terriers, Flash and Pickles. She is also known to partake in a drink or two with our other IRRV Executive Members across the country.
Email: Kirsty.Brooksmith@lbhf.gov.uk
Telephone: 07785531091
Association Secretary
Alan Fane Tech IRRVAlan has been employed at Scarborough Borough Council for over 32 years, having joined in 1990. Whilst retaining the post of Borough Council Certificated Enforcement Officer, he is currently working in the Legal Section, primarily addressing Licensing enforcement/offences/prosecutions etc.
In2007 he moved over internally from the Finance Section (where he had been managing the Council's self financing 'Internal Bailiff Unit') to bolster the enforcement aspects of Licencing Services.
Local Government has several major revenue raising services that are all now required to become self-financing wherever possible. Alan has lead a project to assess and streamline the Council’s fee charging structure in this area.
He continues to lecture for the IRRV Yorkshire and District Association on debt recovery and enforcement related topics including vulnerability aspects as required. Alan has continuously served the Association for 23 years, since being first elected to the Association's Executive Committee in 1999. He was previoulsy elected as Association President for 2007/8 and also served as Association Secretary from 2002 to 2010.
On 17 June 2022 Alan was elected again as Association President, this time for a 2 year period, setting out his key aims of working with colleagues to support students, resume face to face meetings/lectures (post Covid) and to raise the Association profile for new members particularly as LGR/Unitary Status plans are progressing at great pace in the Yorkshire region, driving enhanced joined up working practices.
He can be contacted on: Tel: 01723 232323
Association Treasurer
Daniel MooreDaniel is a Client Solutions Manager for Bristow & Sutor and looks after clients located in the East of England, East Midlands, London as well as the Yorkshire and Humber region. He started his career within the Enforcement Industry in July 2021 and has over 15 years experience in Revenues and Benefits having previously worked in Local Government, the Private Sector and a Social Housing provider.
Email address: danielmoore@bristowsutor.co.uk
Telephone number: 07714330413
Membership Officer
Cheryl VickersWeb Manager
Andrew Murphy IRRV (Hons)Andrew starting working within Revenues in January 1990 starting at South Norfolk Council as a Rating Assistant, moving to Richmondshire District Council in October 1998 as Senior Rating Assistant leading a small team responsible for the collection and recovery of National Non-Domestic Rates (Business Rate). In 2002 he took the post of Senior Local Taxation Officer responsible for the collection and recovery of Council Tax and Business Rates of over £75 million each year at Selby District Council.
In April 2009 Andrew started working for Civica UK Limited as Revenues Business Analyst on their Authority Revenues product. In May 2012 moved to Civica’s Electronic Document (EDM) and Workflow solution (now Civica 360) and then from May 2015 worked as a Technical Consultant in Civica’s Education Resource products, including an accountancy software package. From November 2020 Andrew moved to Civica's OPENRevenues product as Product Analyst.
Andrew obtained the full IRRV Qualification in 2003 and became an executive member of the IRRV Yorkshire and District Association in 2008 and served as the Association’s Secretary for 2013/14 and was elected Association President for 2015/16.
He took up Modern Jive dancing over 10 years ago. He is undertaking a dance teaching qualification and is currently teaching Leroc Modern Jive.
Tel: 07583 524289
Executive Member
Samantha SmithSam is the Senior Account Manager for Marston Holdings in the North East & West of England.
She began her journey with Marston Holdings in 2007 and has been in the Enforcement Agent Profession ever since. Sam is an IRRV member and past President of the Yorkshire & District Association.
Senior Account Manager
Marston Holdings
Tel: 07515606805
Executive Member
Paul StainsbyExecutive Member
Richard HanbyExecutive Member
Julie WalkerJulie is a Senior Account Manager at Marston Holdings and has been with the company since 2006. During this time she has worked with a variety of clients and debt streams, gaining an abundance of knowledge and experience covering both Local and Central Government. Julie's clients are in the North East, the Midlands and London.
In her spare time Julie enjoys running, watching her daughter play football and walking her dogs.
Executive Member
Sam HanbyExecutive Member
Grace SmithExecutive Member
Darren Kelk MCICM IRRVDarren has over 23 years experience in the private debt collection sector working on behalf of collection agencies in specialist areas, including high volume low value consumer debt, commercial debt, tracing, debt purchase, field operations and out sourcing. He has held main Board positions at Rossendales and UK Search Limited for over 10 years.
In March 2016 Darren set up Ascendant Solutions Limited to deliver bespoke data platforms for commercial and consumer collections/risk and analytical solutions to the Public Sector.
He has delivered bespoke training packages to well over 10,000 delegates over the last 13 years and has spoken at the National and local IRRV and Housing Network Conferences.
Within the last few years he completed his UEFA A Licence, the highest ranked qualification in world football, as well as his Advanced Youth qualifiation designed for professional clubs.
He has worked in professional football for the last 17 years and is currently working part time at Barnsley FC as assistant coach for the Under 16’s.
IRRV Yorkshire & District Association Annual General Meeting 2024
10th September 2024
George Hudson Board Room, 1st Floor, West Offices, City of York Council, Station Rise, York YO1 6RG
The Association President, Alan Fane, invites you to the IRRV Yorkshire & District Association AGM in York.
12 noon to 4:00 pm - lunch and refreshments provided.
National President Nick Rowe and Chief Executive Gary Watson will provide an update from HQ.
We are also lucky to have a guest speaker, Hannah Semple, Director of Policy and Oversight who will give us an update on the recent consultation on behalf of the Enforcement Conduct Board.
Please contact Kirsty.brooksmith@lbhf.gov.uk to provide dietary requiremenrts and for more details.
IRRV Yorkshire & District Association Annual General Meeting 2023
IRRV Yorkshire & District Association Annual General Meeting
George Hudson Board Room, 1st Floor, West Offices, City of York Council, Station Rise, York YO1 6RG
The Association President, Alan Fane, invites you to the IRRV Yorkshire & District Association AGM in York
14th August 2023
2:00pm to 5:30pm
National President Carla Maria-Heath will provide a briefing on her role as well as an update from HQ
Andrew Hetherton (MRICS IRRV (Hons) Cert Ed)
will be briefing us on a Business Rates update:
The NDR Bill
Avoidance & Evasion
As well as the IRRV Publications Insight & Valuer
Andrew is a member of the Council of the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV) and past National President. He is also Chairman of the Professional Conduct Committee and a member of the Governance Board supporting the IRRV Level 4 Apprenticeship in Revenues and Welfare Benefits. Previous roles include Chairman of the Law and Research Committee and Valuation Faculty Board. He is also a Past President of the Rating Surveyors’ Association (RSA) and has served on the Committee of the RSA since 2008. Currently he is also one of the IRRV representatives on both the Professional Bodies Liaison Group, the Valuation Tribunal Users Group and the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) User Group. He is also a member of the RICS Local Taxation and Policy Group
He has a particular interest in the out-of-town retail warehouses sector and is past Chairman of Accessible Retail Ltd which represents the interests of landlords, occupiers, developers and investors in that sector. He has experience of dealing with a wide range of property types and has co-ordinated and represented the interests of a large number of occupier and landlord clients on business rates matters across numerous rating lists
Lunch and refreshments will be provided - please contact the Association Secretary Darren Kelk on darren.kelk@ascendantsol.co.uk to book your place
Along with other posts of the Yorkshire and District Association Executive we are looking for formal nomination and seconders for the post of Vice President and Association Secretary. Please send direct to the Association Secretary Darren Kelk before the AGM on darren.kelk@ascendantsol.co.uk
The Cost of Living Crisis 2023
IRRV Yorkshire & District Association present
The Cost of Living Crisis
Thursday 26 January 2023 - IRRV Joint Event
Full day event - registration at 9:45am for a 10:15am start
Leeds Civic Centre - LS1 1UR
Free Event for Local Authority staff
Small fee for commercial organisations
Lunch and refreshments included
See the attached for the full Agenda
To book places please contact the Association Secretary Darren Kelk ondarren.kelk@ascendantsol.co.uk.
2024: A Time of Change
25th January 2024
The IRRV Yorkshire and Distict Association President, Alan Fane, invites you to a joint event with IRRV Northern Counties.
Please select the Agenda link for details of topics and speakers: Agenda
To register for the event please select the Register link: Register.
Be sure to register early to avoid disppointment as spaces are limited to 120 and we are expecting a lot of interest.
If you have any special dietary requirments for the day, please contact us via IRRVYDA@outlook.com and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Past Presidents