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Delegate List/Attendee List Scam Warning: Beware of Fraudulent Delegate List/Attendee List Sales Scam - It has come to our attention that some members, conference delegates, and exhibitors have been receiving emails from rogue list brokers claiming to have access to an IRRV delegate list for sale. For further information please click here.

Conferences and Meetings:

In House Training

  • In-House Training

    As well as our regular training courses, we also deliver a bespoke in-house training service. Bespoke courses are designed using elements and combinations from our existing training whether it's council tax, business rates or something completely new.

    The training is tailored specifically to the client's requirements and can be delivered virtually or on-site at your offices for convenience.

    Please contact the Conference Team with your enquiry at conference@irrv.org.uk.