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End Point Assessment

  • What is an End Point Assessment? (EPA)

    Every apprenticeship no matter the subject has an EPA at the end of the programme. It is a way of formally assessing that an apprentice is working at, or above, the standard relevant for their job and can transfer the skills, knowledge and behaviours to their work.

    What does the EPA entail?

    There are three assessments within the EPA for the Revenues and Welfare Benefits Practitioner Apprenticeship, which must be completed and passed to achieve the qualification.

    The first assessment method is a project. The apprentice will need to produce a written assignment on the appeals process and answer three questions around this subject. This must be completed within three weeks.

    The second assignment is a professional discussion. The apprentice will be asked questions around the skills and behaviours listed within the standard.

    The third and final assessment will be a presentation of five cases covering eight real-life scenarios they have encountered and dealt with personally.

    How do I prepare for the EPA?

    The tutor will give the apprentice hints and tips on how to best prepare during the course. Towards the end of the programme the apprentice will be offered the opportunity to do mock assessments to help gain a deeper understanding of what to expect when they commence their EPA.

    How do I know when I am ready for the EPA?

    When an apprentice completes their portfolio their tutor will organise a meeting known as the 'Gateway'. This is where the mentor / employer, tutor and apprentice review the portfolio and decide if they feel the apprentice is ready to undertake the EPA. If all are in agreement, a declaration is signed by all parties and the apprentice moves on to the EPA.

    What do I need to pass the Gateway?

    To pass the Gateway an apprentice must have completed their portfolio, which will ensure they have demonstrated all of the skills, knowledge and behaviours within the standard. They must have completed the minimum requirement of 20% off the job training for the period they have been on the course. They must also have either provided their maths and English Level 2 exam certificates showing that they have attained a grade C or above or alternatively completed functional skills qualifications in these subjects.

    What support will I be given through the EPA?

    An apprentice will be assigned an EPA advisor who will support and guide them through this process.

    How long do I have to complete the EPA?

    An apprentice will have a maximum of three months to complete the EPA.

    How is the EPA conducted?

    The EPA is conducted remotely using videoconferencing technology. The EPAO will ensure an apprentice has what they need to complete their EPA.

    What will an apprentice need on the day?

    An apprentice must have photo Id to show the independent assessor. They must also have any notes they wish to use and anything they need in order to deliver their presentation.

    Are any reasonable adjustments offered to accommodate learning needs?

    Where an apprentice requires reasonable adjustments, they must raise this with the tutor who will organise the adjustments with the EPAO.

    How is the EPA graded?

    An apprentice can achieve a pass or distinction for their assessments. To obtain a distinction overall, they will need to receive this mark on the Professional Discussion and the Presentation. If they fail any of the three assessment methods, after resits, they may only achieve a pass mark as their final grade.

    What happens after the assessments are completed?

    If all assessments are successfully achieved the End Point Assessment Organisation issue a 'statement of assessment' i.e. the results, to the training provider and a certificate is claimed from Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, who will issue it to the employer.

    If one or more assessments are failed the EPA adviser will organise retakes.

    Where can I find further information on the EPA?

    Further details can be requested by emailing: melissa.oliver@irrv.org.uk    

    Further details are also available on the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. See link below.

    Level 4 End-Point Assessment Plan

    End Point Assessment - Information for Employers

    What is an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO)?

    An EPAO in an independent organisation to your training provider, who will assess your apprentices against the standard once they have completed their apprenticeship portfolio. They will tell you if your apprentice has passed and advise you on what grade they have achieved or, if a re-sit is necessary.

    Who chooses the EPAO?

    As the employer it is your responsibility to select an EPAO. Here at the IRRV we will recommend an EPAO for you. This is to ensure a consistent approach is delivered to all our apprentices. However should you wish to use an alternative we will work closely with your chosen EPAO to ensure we can maintain a similar approach.

    How do I choose an EPAO?

    All End-Point Assessment Organisations must be listed on the Apprenticeship Providers and Assessment Register (APAR). A link to this is given below.

    Find an end-point assessment organisation for your apprentice (education.gov.uk)

    Once you have selected a suitable EPAO you must let us know. This must be done as soon as possible. Once we have received this information we will look to register your apprentice with the EPAO.

    What happens next?

    We, as the training provider, will be working behind the scenes with the EPAO to make sure everything is in place for when the time arrives for the apprentice to do their EPA.

    The next stage for you and your apprentice will not take place until nearer the end of the course. The next stage is known as the 'Gateway'. This is where all essential criteria to progress to the EPA is checked. If all is satisfactory, we will notify the EPAO that your apprentice is ready. The EPAO will contact the apprentice to organise the start of the EPA and assign them their first task.

    During this time you must make sure your apprentice has ample time to complete each assignment and has access to a quiet room where they won’t be disturbed.